2018 Daily Schedule
1:00 PM: Registration
2:30 PM: GENERAL SESSION 1, Dr. Les Ollila
-"Barnabas, The Model Encourager of the Early Church"
4:00 PM: Breakout Session One
-Dr. Les Ollila, Chapel: "To Help Men Gain Victory Over Sin."
-Dr. Bob Jones III, Fireside Room: "How Do You Make a Disciple?"
-Rev. Tim Capon, Upstairs Jensen: "Developing a Godly Marriage and Home."
-Neal Richards: Jensen Lower Level: "Be Not Weary in Well-doing."
5:00 PM: Free Time
5:30 PM: Supper
7:00 PM: GENERAL SESSION 2, Dr. Bob Jones III
-"Every Man Called to Be a Disciple."
8:30 PM: Coffee and Snacks. Activities- Hockey, Carpet Ball, etc.
8:45 PM: Round Table Discussion, Dr. Jones, Dr. Jordan, Dr. Maxwell, Dr. Tillotson, Pastor Anderson
-"Fundamentalism: What Have We Learned?"
11:30 PM: Lights Out
8:00 AM: Breakfast
9:00 AM: GENERAL SESSION 3, Dr. Tim Jordan
-"Invincible Joy" Phil. 4:1-7
10:45 AM: GENERAL SESSION 4, Rev. Thorin Anderson
"The Bright Side Of Separation."
12:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM: GENERAL SESSION 5, Dr. Bob Jones III
-"Every Man Called To Make Disciples"
2:15 PM: Coffee and Snacks. Activities: TBA
5:00 PM: Supper
6:00 PM: GENERAL SESSION 6, Dr. Jim Tillotson
-"Are You On the Right Path? Pointing the Right Way"
7:10 PM: Break
7:25 PM: GENERAL SESSION 7, Dr. Les Ollila
-"Characteristics of Converted People in a God-glorifying Local Church"
8:40 PM: Coffee and Snacks. Activities: TBA
11:30 PM: Lights Out
8:00 AM: Breakfast
8:50 AM: GENERAL SESSION 8, Dr. Jim Tillotson
-"Hindrances to Answered Prayer"
10:10 AM: Breakout Session 2
-Dr. James Maxwell, Chapel: "Raising Up Godly Leaders In the Local Church"
-Rev. Loren Bjokne, Fireside Room: "Helping Men Know God Intimately"
-Pastor Dave Callison, Upstairs Jensen: "Building Your Church Through Camping."
-Rev. Tim Capon,Jensen Lower Level: "Developing a Godly Marriage and Home."
11:05 AM: Breakout Session 3
-Dr. Tim Jordan, Chapel: "Practical Purity: Staying Clean: A Study in I John 1"
-Dr. Jim Tillotson, Fireplace Room: "How to Introduce Men to Christ, to Build the Local Church"
-Joshua Huang, Upstairs Jensen: "Resources for Church Ministries"
-Rev. Marlon Mielke, Jensen Lower Level: "Why Taking A Fundamental Bible Position is Exciting and Rewarding"
12:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM GENERAL SESSION 9: Dr. Tim Jordan
-"Invincible Faith: Daniel and His Three Friends."
2:30 PM: Rally End